Founders and active members

Christian Carrer - President and Founder of the AICM Fund France - Ukraine, Medical Director of the TROIKA Medical Services Consulting Company

Daniel Sidi - Professor of Pediatric Cardiology at the Necker Enfants Malades de Paris Hospital in Paris, Professor at the University of Paris VI, lecturer of courses for Ukrainian cardiologists

David Kayat - Professor of Oncology, Founder of the National Cancer Institute in France

Gilbert Cohen Aloro - surgeon-oncologist, AICM coordinator in the Eastern region of France

Robert Favier - AICM coordinator in the Central and Southern regions of France

Jean Leviland - AICM coordinator in the Paris and Western regions of France

Yuri Yaminsky - Neurosurgeon of the National Institute of Neurosurgery, coordinator of the AICM of the Kiev region

Vitaliy Tsymbalyuk - Professor-neurosurgeon, coordinator of AICM Medical Academy of Ukraine

Anatoly Kossakovsky - Professor of Medicine, Deputy Dean of the Schupik Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, responsible for international university relations

Konstantin Yarynich - Surgeon-oncologist, Chief physician of the Kirovograd dispensary, coordinator of the AICM of the Central region of Ukraine

Andrey Yagensky - Cardiologist of the Lutsk regional hospital (Rivne region), Coordinator of the AICM of the Western region of Ukraine

Pyotr Volkov - Chief physician of gerontology in Odessa, People's Deputy of Odessa region, coordinator of AICM of the Southern region of Ukraine

Vladimir Tarasov - Psychologist, Specialist in monitoring patients with severe pathologies (oncology, neurology)

Tatiana Grebenshchikova - Administrative Director of the AICM Ukraine Foundation