AICM in 2021
31 employees
165 assisted care centers
2 750 000 direct and indirect beneficiaries, including 16.500 COVID patients in intensive care


The training of surgeons from the Romodanov National Institute of Neurosurgery in France made it possible to carry out the first epilepsy surgeries in Ukraine in 2007 for seriously ill children who were incurable in Ukraine, like the child in this video, who became the first little patient to benefit from this surgery. Since then, hundreds of patients have been successfully operated on.

Latest news
Our oncology and chemotherapy brochures for patients are now freely available for anyone who needs support

Our oncology and chemotherapy brochures for patients are now freely available for anyone who needs support

Christian CARRER was a speaker at the DEMAC World Forum

Christian CARRER was a speaker at the DEMAC World Forum

Every year AICM helps 300 000 Ukrainians

Every year AICM helps 300 000 Ukrainians

For the fifth consecutive year AICM celebrates Christmas in the Orphanages, Anti TB centers and specialized schools in Donbass

For the fifth consecutive year AICM celebrates Christmas in the Orphanages, Anti TB centers and specialized schools in Donbass

Activity of AICM in Ukraine in 2018

Activity of AICM in Ukraine in 2018

Archive by year