The start of AICM's actions in Ukraine
Study of the real situation in Cardiology and Oncology for submission to the organization "Doctors of the World" (Médecins du Monde - MDM), A mission to compile a list of treatment methods for pathologies available in Ukraine, with the participation of the Ministry of Health, Negotiating for cooperation between the University of Paris (l'Université Paris VI) and the Medical University in Kiev, Development of a new method of treatment for spinal cord injuries at the Institute of Neurosurgery named after Romodanov, clinical trials phase 2, Cooperation with the National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after N.M. Amosov, establishing partnerships with Paris hospitals to organize training for Ukrainian cardiologists and exchange information, Participation of Christian CARRER in the third rounds of the presidential elections as an accredited foreign observer. Transfer of evidence to the Central Election Commission and the Supreme Court of Ukraine of various falsifications during the second round of elections. Evidence that influenced the cancellation of the second round and the election of President Viktor Yushchenko.