Audit certificate for the period 2006-2016

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Translation of Audit Certificate from Ukrainian to English (non professional translation) AUDIT FIRM PROFILE SERVICE
Certificate in the Register of Auditors for audit activity No. 2686 dated September 28, 2001 Address: city Kyiv, str. Raidujna, 3 a, office 11. Phone 2372822, 2323522 Audit conclusion (Independent Auditor's Report) For the board of the International Humanitarian Foundation “AICM Ukraine” The International Charitable Foundation "AICM Ukraine" was created and registered in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
Basic information about the fund is provided in the following table. Legal name International Humanitarian Foundation “AICM Ukraine” Code EDPROU Identification 34241394 Legal definition of activity Humanitarian Organization Data from the Statement of Unitary State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals of Entrepreneurs of the State Registration Service of Ukraine: State Registration: 27 March 2006 Publication date: 31 March 2006 Code of Publication
Principal type of economic activity Code KVED 88.99 Providing social assistance Date of registration in the new non profit organization register 11 August 2008 Date of decision to renew the registration in the non profit organization register 01 December 2016 Registration code and decision 1626554601676 registration as non profit organization Address 10/10 Dragomiraova Office 61, 01103 Kiev The general principles of the charitable activity in Ukraine are established by the Law of Ukraine dated July 5, 2012 No. 5073-VI "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations", in accordance with clause 3, part 1 of Art. 1 where legal entity is considered a charitable organization, the share of the right, the founding documents of which determine the charitable activity in one or several spheres defined by this Law as the main purpose of its activity.
The accounting of the International Charitable Foundation is organized in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" No. 996-XIV dated 16.07.1999 and is being implemented with the legal use of the journal ordering system of accounting. The financial statements correspond to the requirements of the Procedure for submitting financial statements approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 419 of 28.02.2002, and the National Accounting Standards (General Standards) 1 "General Requirements for Financial Statements", approved by the Order of the MFU No. 73 of 07.02.2013.
We conducted a review of the balance of the International Humanitarian Foundation "AICM Ukraine" as of 30.09.2016, for the period from 01.04.2006 to 30.09.2016, as well as an overview of the relevant reports on the financial results. The Tax Reports on the use of funds from non-profit institutions and organizations.
Also during the activity of the Foundation regular audits were carried out. During the period 2006 - 2016, the International Humanitarian Foundation "AICM Ukraine" was not a part to any litigation or a defendant in a litigation.
The International Humanitarian Foundation "AICM Ukraine" carries out charitable activities in the orientations specified by its statutory documents. The activity is only carried out on the expense of humanitarian contributions.
The realization of the humanitarian activity during 2006 - 2016 meets the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. 5 December 2016, Kiev, Ukraine Directeur LLC Auditor Firm "Profi-service"
Auditeur (certificate N ° 4056 du 24 décembre 1999) V.V. Vavilova Official stamp and signature AUDIT CERTIFICATE 2016.pdf