The AICM Foundation is launching a new general epidemiological study on Cancer in Ukraine with INSERM, CNRS and WHO.

To achieve coherent prevention against cancer in a country where this disease is becoming the leading cause of death, an in-depth epidemiological study is needed, listing the existing risks. This study will be carried out from October 2012 on targeted populations, in parallel with free screening campaigns and computer processing of additional data from the cancer registry which will provide more information on the possible origin of the pathologies detected by the centers. of oncology. Note that nearly 40% of cancers in Ukraine are diagnosed late, which results in a low survival rate and very high treatment costs. For 20 years, there has been no such study despite the fact that smoking, alcoholism, obesity and other direct causes of cancer are constantly increasing according to the medical profession. France has acquired a very good mastery of the subject thanks to the various Cancer Plans since 2000.